1 Reviews
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Berenice Dimas is a queer writer, herbalist, educator and full spectrum doula. Her work encourages people to (re)connect with plants, the land and their own ancestral traditions. Berenice is the founder of Hood Herbalism, a community based herbal education project, and is the visionary behind the Instagram page Bruja Tip.
Find out more about Berenice’s work by visiting her website www.berenicedimas.com and her IG pages @hoodherbalism, @espejosapothecary and @brujatip.
My offerings are specifically intended to support people of color. Every interaction is unique and no one necessarily leaves the space “healed.” People that experience my practice often become inspired to begin a healing process, continue a healing journey already in progress, or take a new direction in that journey by gaining new insights of the self. I am the channel, the facilitator of the journey not the one necesarily doing the healing. I also like to complicate the term “healing” by recognizing how abelist it can be to assume that everyone can or wants to heal or that healing is an ending point of any process. I hold space for people to be with themselves and define what an internal transformation process can be for them. My healing and wellness practice supports people’s journeys back to themselves. I believe that healing is cyclical… always in transition… and always in motion.
Limpias are an ancient healing ceremony of cleansing the body. In different countries, people also use eggs, lemons, potatoes, and other sacred medicines during the ceremonies. I focus on using plants as well as all the elements during my sessions and occasionally uses eggs. These ceremonies support people in getting as close as possible to the root of imbalances that are impacting their health and wellbeing. Limpias are also useful when experiencing shock, trauma, or really intense experiences. Limpias can benefit those going through life transitions or when you need support grounding and refocusing. We are calling the spirit back into the body so Limpias are a very deep and spiritual journey where you are re-connecting with yourself.
Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It is intended to benefit the body in many magical ways. Reiki specifically eases pain and can also re-balance the body’s energy fields, chakras, and diffuses low frequency vibrations in the body, mind, and spirit. Its vibration is powerful and gentle. When I was at a ceremonia in Mexico, some abuelas told me about the practice of using sacred geometry in healing ceremonies. When the abuelas shared those symbols with me, I realized that there was no coincidence that Reiki came into my life because Mexico also uses energy and symbols to heal different imbalances in the body. I was lucky to receive some of those teachings and now I incorporate that knowledge in my sessions. I got my Reiki Level I attunement in 2010 and my Level II attunement in 2011. I can offer In-Person or Distance support.
I have been massaging since I was a kid. It is a modality that comes naturally to me and that has been passed on to me. My mother suffered from arthritis and severe muscle pain throughout her life. When she got home from work and was in a lot of pain, she would guide me on how to massage her pain away. Massage is another tool to help people release tension in the body and connect with themselves. I offer a very intentional, intuitive, and spiritual massage experience.
Consultas are for people that have individual questions about resources, herbal remedies, or need guidance but may not necessarily want any type of bodywork or may not be sure what type of body work they need. People have set up private appointments to just talk about stuff that is happening in their lives and ask for guidance. Other people set up consultas to learn more about my work or to get to know me better.
Berenice offers support that is in alignment with Mexican traditional medicine and birthing practices as well as the needs of each birthing person/family. With this constant deepening of my practice comes ceremony, ritual, and prayer. I bring my relationship with plants, the rebozo, the elements, and the mystery of birth. I also bring my queer indigenous ancestral medicine as well as the wisdom of all that guides my journey as a doula. My full spectrum care comes with a commitment of listening and honoring the needs of each family. I also offer natural inductions and support with closing ceremonies for transitions like abortions, still births, and miscarriages.
Pricing for the sessions
Pricing varies. Please contact me for more info.
1 Reviews
“tried the rose sex toy TikTok loves – this is what it’s like see more https://www.xinghaoya.net/blogs/sex-toys-advice-guides/rose-sex-toy-review my blog https://sexmimiyang.blogspot.com”