Pamela Aaralyn is a world-renowned channel for a group of angelic beings who represent enlightened Christ Consciousness. As a clear conduit channel, Pamela is able to connect on a level that is unprecedented in her area of expertise.
Pamela Aaralyn is a God-realized mystic. Having been personally guided by God-realized Masters as Sri Ramana Maharshi, Guru Dev, Ma Anandamayi, Yogananda and Jesus since age five, she has deepened her devoted practice and has been preened as a highly sensitive guru of profound compassion and grace.
After 38 years of devoted practice including the initiation into elemental shamanism, the ancient focus of pranic meditation, mastery of Source tones and mantra, she was proclaimed “Avatar of Grace” and “Guru” by her master in Spirit, Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Through her loving offering of “Practical Enlightenment” she offers satsangs, mentorships and live events to busy working parents, laborers, entrepreneurs, students and devotees from all spiritual backgrounds.
Mentorship programs
Private readings
Source and Grace Tones
Recorded and live channeling
Spiritual Development Classes
Extra-sensory Aura Reading
Soul Essence Channeling
Extra-Sensory Life Coaching
Medical Mediumship
Frequency Chant Healing
Animal Communication & Mediumship
Akashic Records Reading
Spirit Guide Channeling
Ascended Master Channeling